Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Funny Symbol on My Blog Page

As some of you may have noticed, I have posted a strange looking skull and crossbones type symbol on the blog page. Well, in a way it is a skull and crossbones, because it harkens back to they days when I use to run my paintball field as a pirate field. Now a pirate field, or renegade as they call em now days, is usually a field that is not a commercial field that may not have safety measures or insurance, hence the name pirate. Well now, even back in my pirate days I actually had a field that had all that and more. I only run two games a year, but safety has always been number one and referees and insurance along with signed waivers has always been number one along with a commitment for fun.

So it was when I opened the field to the public some years ago I needed a sign for the road. So a person I knew that was a graphic artist at the time designed that symbol for me. I liked it so much I put it on my business cards, road sign and website and also use it for most web forum accounts I have out there. Since my paintball field is still up and going, if you like you can click on this symbol and a link will bring you to my paintball field page where you can read up on that hobby of mine.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More Plumbing

Well, the weather has finally cleared up and things are drying out, the problem now though is the old weather has arrived and with it frost. My fiance and I went out to the property and finished the in ground plumbing that i have put on hold until now due to the extreme amounts of rain we have had since the last time I worked on it. First off, the ground already has a few inches of frost in it and so digging was hard, but other than that we had some beautiful late fall weather, the thermometer getting up to almost 50 degrees!

I already had the trenches for the drains dug (thankfully!) and the fittings in place. All we had to do was cut the pipe to the right lengths and test fit. Once the test fitting was done, I used a marker and marked each connection so I was able to remove the pipe. Next came purple prime and glue. I wont say the whole process was quick- I rechecked alot of my angles and runs many times. My fiance questioned why I was doing so and I told her that it was better to measure many times and make one cut. I also wanted to make sure it would work, because once the cement is poured, there will be no access to fix it without cutting thru cement and pex lines!

Needless to say, by the end of the day we had the drain lines in, glued and covered with sand. I think we both went away with the feeling of accomplishment. All I have left is to get a few hay bales and fluff some hay over the lines to prevent the frost from going down to deep and upsetting the pipes and also replace the plastic bags we used as temporary caps on the open pipes with real caps. This will keep water from entering the system and sitting in the lines and freezing. Snow is expected anytime now, so I think construction is on hold now till the spring thaw.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Before the slab can be poured, the underground plumbing for the drains must be installed. This of course relies on some good ol' muscle and brain power. The muscle is for digging the trenches that the pipe must be laid in, the brain power is for properly dedeucing the correct flow of waste water and the correct angle of the pipe (remember water runs down hill, not up).

Fortunately I have planned to place the bathrooms and utility room in the same room, so that helps alot with the amount of trenching that is needed. Not only that, the upstairs half bath will be directly above this room, so everything is nicely stacked. The only long trench that was needed was the one for the kitchen sink, which by its nature is in the kitchen and not the bathroom.

So far it has gone well. For once we had a few nice days of warmer dry weather so that when I finally had a chance to go out to the property and figure out the lay of the pipes I did not have to wade through muck. I still dont think I will have the opportunity to pour the slab yet, but if I can at least get this plumbing done I can cap the pipes and lay hay on what I have done and wait for the warm spring breeze to grace this land once again.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Well, it sure has been a few wet weeks in our little area of the world. I think for the past two weeks, we have had only three or four days without rain. The work site has been so muddy that I have been unable to get anything done. All I have done is behind the scene's work: stuff like picking up building supplies and mapping out location of future home on the property site for my father.

So far I have gotten all of the plumbing purchased and put away for all the drain work under the slab. I don't know if I will have time before the snow flies to get it in and the slab poured, but at least I have it. Its amazing how much thought and how many different fittings are needed for the waste water system. With the help of my cousin, I am pretty certain I have what I need.

As for mapping out the building location, I and my father were curious where it was in comparison to all of the satellite and topographical maps we have of the property. I borrowed a friends GPS device and went out and got the coordinates of the building. It is supposedly accurate to within 42 feet according to the satellite intel. With this info, I was able to use google maps and fairly pinpoint the location on the satellite image and figure out where I was to some degree of certainty. So far it looks like I am at exactly where I thought I was at.

One thing that did happen between raindrops was the road had a layer of gravel put down on it. Boy does it look good! Now it is somewhat protected from wheel ruts and after winter when spring comes and we are ready to start building in ernest we will be able to drive into the site. If the gravel had not been put down we would have been axle deep in muck with the thaw I am certain. Now to see what can still be done before the snow flies!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Form Time!

Well, its been a little while since I last posted and much has been done. The road is in and the building spot has been cleared and it looks fantastic. Having that done really shapes the look of the land and makes me realize I was correct in the location I have picked. There have been many people who have stopped by to visit and they all remark that the spot is excellent which i of course am inclined to believe.

Yesterday I went to my cousin who has my mill. Now when I say my mill, its not all mine, but rather a joint ownership with several family members. My biggest contribution to it over the years was half ownership of the Detroit 3-71 that powers the whole unit. This was a production saw mill back in the day and my grandfather had picked it up from somewhere and many changes and rebuilds later it stands at its current configuration which includes my contribution to it, hence the my mill part. Now, last year my cousin who is remodeling his house kicked out a lot of dimensional lumber of the sixteen foot variety, particularly 2x6's which I needed for forms. Anyways, I show up and he offered me their service as my form boards, so that saves me from having to go out and buy boards for that purpose.

I hauled the boards to the site, prepped a lay down area where I could saw and set about forming up the slab. Tonight I will be squaring it up and my cousin is going to be bringing over a laser level which I am told is an excellent way to level the form. If all goes well, hopefully I will be ready to pour the slab by this weekend. We will see if I am able to make that work.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well, its been over a week now and I have been in the process of having the property cleared of trees where needed. A local logger is providing the work and so far has done a top notch job. He has opened up the pre-existing logging road along its edges of trees and has also removed most of the trees from the area where the actual house will be. Once he is done he will be using his dozer to stump and shape the road and building spot.

I have purchased much of the material for putting in the septic system. Hopefully by this coming weekend and long before the snow flies up in this region I will have installed the system so it will be ready come building time.

Winter is fast approaching and I don't know if there will be time to prep and pour the slab in anticipation of building this fall/winter yet. I have the sneaky feeling that the snow will fly before that point is reached and it will have to wait for the spring thaw. My fiance and I plan to at least have the building spot prepped before the frost comes, so here is to crossing our fingers!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

House Location

Well, the search for the best site to place the house has come to an end. My Fiance and I have chosen one particular spot on the forty acres that we like, but the driveway will be very long to get to it. Our thought though is leaning towards the idea that a good location and view is better than an little extra trouble to get to it. I think in the long run, we will be happier with this location than another that may be more convenient but does not offer views which are one thing I am not willing to sacrifice. We used surveyor ribbon to mark trees we felt would need to be removed from the building site should we choose this as the final definate location.

By chance while I was walking through Menards over my lunch break today I ran into my cousin Jim who is an electrician extraordinaire. I explained what I was doing and he came up with an ingenious and fairly efficient means of getting electricity out to the house on the back forty if we do end up building there. His methods calls for me getting a pedestal service and placing it along the road as far as the power company will bring in a line ont their coin and then us digging in our own line from that point. He is figuring that there will still be more than ample amps available for the end user (me) even with any drop that may occur over that distance. I am inclined to believe him when he says this is more than adequate, for like I said, the man is an electronic genius and rarely knows wrong with electricity. On the flip side though, is that I highly doubt the power company would appreciate such a move from us rather than paying their sixteen thousand they want to put power back to that point. I say to bad for them, I need to live and at this time that price is beyond my means. Perhaps in the future we will do it properly by the book, though the aforementioned way is just as correct and safe.

As for the trip to Menards, I have still been pricing out materials. Today I priced the PEX hose for the in-floor heating and am surprised at how relatively cheap it is. After much research on how to use the stuff, in floor heat is the way I am going to go. I also priced out some other various construction materials. So far the pricing of items looks like we will still be able to bring this project in under budget.

The building is planned to be 28x32 in size. It will be a 1 1/2 story in height with a loft bedroom over half of the floor dimension overlooking a great room. There will be a spiral staircase giving access to the master bedroom. The bathroom will also contain the utilities along a closet like wall and there will also be a large bedroom downstairs for the girls and a smaller bedroom for the lone boy.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Future Home

For the past few weeks my fiance and I have decided we would begin building our home. I am a last minute decision maker, ready to go at a moment's notice type of person, so to come to such a momentous decision so quick is not unexpected. Let it now be known though that actually for the past few years I have slowly been preparing for such an action; carefully stashing away various items that I would need for this build. Various building materials and supplies that would help further the goal of home ownership. My goals for this project are:

-To provide a home for my lovely wife to be
-To build a home without the reliance on any borrowed money
-To build a quality home that is adequate for our needs yet realistic for our money

The first action has been securing the land. I owned for many years a five acre lot. I had sold it to my father a few years ago and now that I am ready I approached him about getting it back. Unknown to me though, was that my sister who owns the property next to that lot has also been after him for it. He said he would think about it and returned with the answer that he was going to hand onto it rather than create troubles with two feuding kids. Understandable but not what I wanted, but sometimes that does not matter and the patriarch's decision must be honored.

Needless to say, instead he has offered a forty acre lot within a few miles of the five acre lot. Most will say, forty! That's a lot of land, jump on it you fool, but there is more to it than just that. Forty is all fine a dandy, but it is also located a complete forty back from the main road where the electric line lies. So that is the conundrum- a lovely forty which already contains my paintball field (more on that later), but is not within a decent distance of electricity. Besides that, the road is a bit long, which though doable, is not the easiest. The only benefit for most of these problems is I have access to heavy equipment, so dirt work and tree removal should go apace with much ease if not muscle work. Future writings of course will detail if this ends up being the case.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Introduction!

I have found that lately I have been sitting around waiting for each day to pass as quickly as it can in the hopes of getting to payday faster so I can have money. Not only am I waiting for each day to pass to get to that mythical day, but I am also worrying about it. With this constant worry, how many good days of my life have I given up? I don't think this is what God intended for me. Perhaps it is time to change my lifestyle or way of thinking?

As part of this process I have decided to start a blog. I have been a amateur writer my whole life and find that I have produced copious amount of small stories, thoughts and whims that I have forwarded to friends over the years. Many have said I should make this information available on the Internet and as part of the question I detailed above, I am going to change something in my life and now do just this. From time to time I will be posting various thoughts from all aspects of life. As the saying goes: I am a jack of all trades and a master of none! So the subject of my blog will probably be just as varied, though there will probably emerge some subjects that will be visited over and over since I do have my hobbies and loves in the world. So sit back and enjoy, the future is upon me!