Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Funny Symbol on My Blog Page

As some of you may have noticed, I have posted a strange looking skull and crossbones type symbol on the blog page. Well, in a way it is a skull and crossbones, because it harkens back to they days when I use to run my paintball field as a pirate field. Now a pirate field, or renegade as they call em now days, is usually a field that is not a commercial field that may not have safety measures or insurance, hence the name pirate. Well now, even back in my pirate days I actually had a field that had all that and more. I only run two games a year, but safety has always been number one and referees and insurance along with signed waivers has always been number one along with a commitment for fun.

So it was when I opened the field to the public some years ago I needed a sign for the road. So a person I knew that was a graphic artist at the time designed that symbol for me. I liked it so much I put it on my business cards, road sign and website and also use it for most web forum accounts I have out there. Since my paintball field is still up and going, if you like you can click on this symbol and a link will bring you to my paintball field page where you can read up on that hobby of mine.