Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Clearing Land

Last year I spent the last part of summer and most of fall cutting trees from around the house to create a bigger lawn.  This past winter my wife and I burned the piles of brush from those trees.  Now this summer we had a gentleman come and do some dozing work in exchange for me mowing his lawn this past summer.  I feel labor for labor is always an even trade.  After he was done, I dragged the dirt and we collected the majority of rocks and sticks.  We then put down some grass seed that I bought from the local feed store.  They told me this seed would grow anywhere in any type of soil...we shall see.  My wife then spent several days throwing hay that we purchased from a local down on it.  Within a week it started to grow and so far is coming along real good.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fall 2014

It's been a long summer of hard work, but my lovely wife and I have now started actually building the house.

Digging out the grade beam around the slab.

Plastic vapor barrier down and placing down Styrofoam.

Styrofoam prepped.

Pex pipe laid out.  I made 2 zones.

I prepped the slab.  We paid a contractor to conduct the pour.

Wall lumber has arrived!

Walls starting to go up.


Starting to put up sheeting.


All done and now waiting for the trusses to show up.