Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Summertime 2013

Its been a very short summer and with working all the time I have not had the chance to work as much on the house as I would like.  I added more sand to the perimeter of the foundation area and have also leveled the sand within the foundation perimeter.  The past few weeks I have taken an hour here and an hour there and have been slowly placing the high dense 2" styro around the perimeter for heat retention.

Beyond this I have also been clearing the future yard of trees to the side of the house.  Along with clearing these trees, I and my wife have been cutting and splitting the trees for firewood.  We have also been piling all the branches into piles for burning in the near future.  We have a combination of poplar (yellow tulip), oak, maple and birch trees within this area.

Monday, June 3, 2013

2013 Spring

It's been awhile since my last posting.  It was one long and very cold winter but we made it through with no loss of limbs or life.  The snow has only been gone for about a month now and the white stuff was replaced by wet stuff.  It seems like we have had more rainy days than sunny days.  Now though it looks like spring is here and I have posted a simple picture of the homestead as it now stands.  I built a little tiki bar for under the canopy using used material I had laying around.  Tiki torches are set up around the yard and the fire pit is ready from some summer time relaxing.

On the construction front my wife and I are waiting for the delivery of some more sand which will be placed around the forms I set up last summer.  This sand will help strengthen the sand that is under the forms so that the weight from the cement once we are ready for that does not blow out once we place it.  I will post more pics once we are to that point of the construction project.