Friday, October 30, 2009


Well, it sure has been a few wet weeks in our little area of the world. I think for the past two weeks, we have had only three or four days without rain. The work site has been so muddy that I have been unable to get anything done. All I have done is behind the scene's work: stuff like picking up building supplies and mapping out location of future home on the property site for my father.

So far I have gotten all of the plumbing purchased and put away for all the drain work under the slab. I don't know if I will have time before the snow flies to get it in and the slab poured, but at least I have it. Its amazing how much thought and how many different fittings are needed for the waste water system. With the help of my cousin, I am pretty certain I have what I need.

As for mapping out the building location, I and my father were curious where it was in comparison to all of the satellite and topographical maps we have of the property. I borrowed a friends GPS device and went out and got the coordinates of the building. It is supposedly accurate to within 42 feet according to the satellite intel. With this info, I was able to use google maps and fairly pinpoint the location on the satellite image and figure out where I was to some degree of certainty. So far it looks like I am at exactly where I thought I was at.

One thing that did happen between raindrops was the road had a layer of gravel put down on it. Boy does it look good! Now it is somewhat protected from wheel ruts and after winter when spring comes and we are ready to start building in ernest we will be able to drive into the site. If the gravel had not been put down we would have been axle deep in muck with the thaw I am certain. Now to see what can still be done before the snow flies!

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