Monday, October 19, 2009

Form Time!

Well, its been a little while since I last posted and much has been done. The road is in and the building spot has been cleared and it looks fantastic. Having that done really shapes the look of the land and makes me realize I was correct in the location I have picked. There have been many people who have stopped by to visit and they all remark that the spot is excellent which i of course am inclined to believe.

Yesterday I went to my cousin who has my mill. Now when I say my mill, its not all mine, but rather a joint ownership with several family members. My biggest contribution to it over the years was half ownership of the Detroit 3-71 that powers the whole unit. This was a production saw mill back in the day and my grandfather had picked it up from somewhere and many changes and rebuilds later it stands at its current configuration which includes my contribution to it, hence the my mill part. Now, last year my cousin who is remodeling his house kicked out a lot of dimensional lumber of the sixteen foot variety, particularly 2x6's which I needed for forms. Anyways, I show up and he offered me their service as my form boards, so that saves me from having to go out and buy boards for that purpose.

I hauled the boards to the site, prepped a lay down area where I could saw and set about forming up the slab. Tonight I will be squaring it up and my cousin is going to be bringing over a laser level which I am told is an excellent way to level the form. If all goes well, hopefully I will be ready to pour the slab by this weekend. We will see if I am able to make that work.

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